I had a semi-strange dream last night. It wasn't one of those wierd/surreal dreams, it was just relatively close to life. It started out with me driving around with my mother and Facade, and he was being a really asshole to me, like openly. Now, I consider him an asshole, but he's never actually been outright rude to me, at least not in a way where you could point at him and accuse him of being a shit on purpose. My mom got pissed at him and had him take us home, only home was on Mills Ave in Whittier, where I've never actually lived, in a duplex that I never actually lived in, even though I lived in a duplex near there. Now I guess this dream was set back when my sister was first born, even though I was in the same perspective as I am now. As in, my sister was a baby in this dream, and in the dream I remember thinking "why is she a baby, she's ten years old?" When we got back, my cousin was babysitting my sister, which is wierd because I doubt my mother would ever have let her babysit Amie, and also because she lives like two hours away. I had to ask where my room was, and while it seemed like a strange question, my mother didn't really take any notice of it. My room was like a den, with no actual bed in it. I went back into the livingroom and Facade was schmoozing up to my mother trying to get her to go live with/marry him, and I got pissed at him, and told my mother in his presence that if she married him she'd only be trading one prison for another, and that he could never actually make her happy. Then he was gone, and she told me that she'd never marry him, that he's only useful for occasional vacation opportunities and getting her out of there a little bit sometimes. And I understood this in the dream even though I didn't agree with it.
The dream makes sense to me, I just don't know what possible relevence it has to me right now. My mom has no plans to ever date Facade again in the future, and why was it set all the way back then, instead of in the present? Could it be because I didn't realize what a shit he was back then when my sister was born? Maybe the situation has finally come full circle and any romantic involvement they have is finally over? Or do I have lingering fears that he is still trying to oust me from the picture? Last night was a wierd night, anyway, I kept waking up every few hours the whole night, and though I know that I dreampt the whole time, this is the only one I remember having, probably because it was one of my lucid dreams. Maybe I should have got the other Jung book I was looking at, about dreams. Anyone reading this ever read anything of Jung's? I've taken a few psych courses and they hardly ever mention him anymore; he seems to have become one of the more marginalized figures in psych theory, probably because the sciences are forever trying to distance themselves from spirituality, and Jung's theories and ideas have a lot of spirituality interwoven into them. Maybe it's because of my choice of faith that I enjoy his ideas so much.
I've finally gotten some of my homework done, but not nearly enough of it. I'm getting better though, and I hope to be pretty much caught up with it by the end of the week. I think it's because this place has gotten so stagnant for me, which makes my mind prone to wander. It happened last year at this time, too, so it's not anything shocking or new to me. I think that's part of the reason that I am so obsessively connected with the ocean, because it has come to symbolize constant renewall and mental overhaul to me. I also just have this urge to be on the move for a bit, to go exploring again, which would be why I have road trip on the brain. For me there is nothing like getting into my car, putting on music, rolling down the windows, and just driving until nothing looks the same as the place you left. That's the main thing I love about California... you can go from the desert to the mountains to the ocean to the redwood forest in one day. In the summer you can go from a place that's 105 degrees to somewhere 75 degrees in the summer, or from somewhere thats 75 degrees to somewhere that 20 degrees in the winter. It's all there. You can get from Los Angeles to Big Sur in 6 hours. If you want to find it, it's there and within a days drive of you, wherever you are. Here I have no car, and therefor no mobility, so I may as well be in a cage. I'm sure I'd like it here more if I could bring my car, but it would still never rival the beauty of my home.
Getting my brain back to school, I got 100% on my first pre-calculus assignment (which I just got back the other day.) Yay me. Maybe I'm not as bad at math as I like to think. I did okay in the math section on the SAT's, which is why if I were content to stay here I wouldn't have to take math at all, I just haven't actually taken math in 5 years, so I'm still a bit rusty. Maybe this will be *ghasp* good for me! Eeep! In my class on web development, me and Wendy Lady are going to collaborate on an extra credit assignment, and make the worst possible web page in the history of the world. We're talking the worst background ever, 3 or 4 midi files playing in the background, massive graphics, flashing gif's, banal content, and colors that haven't seen each other since the late 60's. Heehee... who says I have to always use my powers for good? Our goal is to get featured on webpagesthatsuck.com. Any ideas? Post them in the comments section. Oh yeah, and mystery meat navigation, all the way.
Speaking of Wendy Lady, she has photoshop and way too much time on her hands, so she's making her own version of one of my eye pictures, and putting a little picture of Timmy T in the pupil, heh. See we sort of have this strange affection for Timmy T after viewing all the videos he made back in the 80's, which are now hilarious because they are so unbelievably dated. We gave him the Hideo lifetime achievement award. I'll be sure to post the pic when she's done with it.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:35 PM
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