And now it's time for Really Rockin Horoscopes from the Past:
September 19, 2000
If you were about to graduate, (which in a sense you are) and you handed me your yearbook, this is what I'd write in it: "May you stay as fiercely cute as you are. May the transformations you bravely unleash next in your life be greeted with excitement and curiosity, not fear and resistence. May you think deep thoughts without becoming a pretentious know-it-all. May you stay on really good terms with g-spots, x factors, and the C students who seem to be in charge of running everything. May you never have a cat food jingle running through your head while you make love. Adoringly, Your Secret Admirer."
Ok, now tell me that wasn't the coolest horoscope ever. It was so cool I wrote it down and still have it. Just thought I'd share. Carry on.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:03 PM
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