Just got word from the uncle, seems he's going through Oklahoma City right now, which is about the midpoint. He seems to be making good time, should get here sometime on Monday, which is good. I kind of wanted him to get here tomorrow (or, you know, today), but I have so much studying to do that that probably wouldn't be any better, really.
Haven't been blogging much because of the studying/random packing stuff. The entries will probably be few and far between until I make it home (around the 18th or 19th), which is just as well as my heads all over the place, and anything I blather on about will probably be whiny and emotional and say way too much about me. Blogging under the influence of stress is nearly as bad as blogging under the influence of alcohol, only without the effective excuses.
Whether or not I'm happy to be leaving depends on when you ask me. Right now the answer is yes, but if you ask me five minutes from now, the answer could be totally different, so bah on that. (oh, that was eloquent of me, no? sheesh.)
Shutting up, now.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:22 PM
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