So it's getting down to hell week. For my benefit, here is my to-do list for this next week.
Java, section 3.1 practical test
Java, section 3.2 exercise <~~~ this assignment, by the way, can eat me. I have never been so damned excited to cross something off a damn list.
Java, section 3.2 multiple choice quiz
Java, section 3.2 practical test <~~~ I did brilliantly on this one, if I may say so myself
Java, section 3.3 exercise
Java, section 3.3 multiple choice quiz
Java, section 3.3 practical test
Java, unit 3 practice exam
Java, resubmit ProfSmilingApplet
Pre-Calc, section 6.1
Pre-Calc, section 6.2
Study for French Final
Study for Pre-Calc Final (started)
Study for Java Final (half done)
Take French Final
Take Pre-Calc Final
Take Java Final (half done)
Paper for Writing Fellows
other non-homework like things
get time sheets in for web dev job
email dr lenz re: writing fellows paper?
fill out change of address form
pack (begun)
track down leave-of-absence form
give GBD back her video
round up WotWot's stuff so it doesn't get packed
take pictures of my friends here that aren't going with me
work out with M.E. and the uncle what we are taking of her stuff
wash huge pile of laundry
bah... not really too much stuff to do when you come right down to it, though I'm sure I'll be adding to this list. It's going to feel really good to go through and strike things out as I finish them. WooHaa.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:32 PM
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