Woooo... today's been interesting, so now, in no particular order, are some... things...
1. Chris, the author behind a blog that I read almost religiously, has linked to my site. WooHooo! Yay for validation, especially from someone whose writing I enjoy so much. (By the way... Chris, if you haven't tried them yet, might I recommend spark notes? Not sure if the full sets are available online anymore, but they're better than Cliff Notes. I used the notes for Moby Dick to write a paper because I didn't have time to read the book, and I ended up with an A... They make the lives of English majors a lot easier.)
2. The English faculty here are awesome and inspiring, and that is one of the many reason why I will actually really miss this school. Dr. Adam signed my book with this: "Stacy: You've clearly left your mark on Chatham even more than Keats' garden on your ankle. PREVAIL AGAINST THE ENEMIES OF LEARNING! DG Adam." Heh... if you went on the London trip, or have heard my stories about it or read them in here, you'll know why that's *so* damn funny.
3. Because so many people I know in real life read this blog, I've actually started a Super Secret DiaryTM elsewhere on the net. It's password protected, so don't go looking for it. However, for a number of reasons, I would like to open it up to a small audience of people that I don't know whatsoever. Lot's of people read this site daily that I have never met or spoken to, so if you think I should let you read the SSD, drop me a line (via email or using the form at the left) telling me why. Also leave your name and pick a password in case I pick you. And if you know me or we've met in person, don't even ask. Most of you already know about the stuff I'm writing about, but there are certain things that certain people don't know about me, and just to make it fair and anonymous, I'm not opening up to anyone I actually know.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:03 PM
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