I haven't yet gotten the magic numbers from the bio 105 prof, so at the moment my schedule has me on the 2-year plan, and runs thus:
CHEM 109: MWF 10-11am
CHEM 109 Lab: TTH 8-11am
ENGL 420 (Critical Theory): TTH 12:30-1:50pm
ENGL 340 (Approaches to Shakespeare): MWF 1-2pm
BIOL 304 (Human Genetics): MWF 2-3pm
ZOOL 110 (General Zoology): MW 4-5pm
ZOOL 110 Lab: TTH 2-5pm
Hopefully she'll email me those numbers, though I'm starting to think that it might be better to take two years anyway, in addition to the summers, just to take as many science classes as I can. Not sure though, may change my mind on that, we'll see what happens.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:32 PM
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