stacy was here (and probably spinning....): home sweet home















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Friday, June 24, 2005

home sweet home

so, seriously? I'm really growing to love the new apartment, what with it's mostly roominess, and an actual hallway and the spare room and the solar tubes and the proliferation of windows (which our other place was sadly short on.) I unpacked a bunch of boxes of books yesterday, and we have tons, of course, but it's nice because it's going to be my little office room, and it may play host to lots of friends very soonishlike, which would make our apartment and it's people very happy. The geckos live in there, and so does the watercolor masterpiece Michelle made, and all our witchy stuff and books books books books books, and the closet is full of yarn, and did I mention books? Also, while unpacking, I found additional copies of books 2,3, and 4 of the Harry Potter series, which means I bought more than I needed to, but it's okay, because it's Harry Potter, and now more than one person can be reading them at once, at least 2-4. Not that Fuzzy's been reading them more than once, he doesn't even remember what a Death Eater is (OR the Dark Mark. *facepalm*.)

Oh! Some of my B&W photos are going to be displayed at Curves, which is very cool, and puts me in mind of my erstwhile photo business, and the idea of starting it up again. Anyone around here want portraits done? Y'know... just checking...

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:01 PM   2 comments


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Anthony said...

i want a portrait! but i can only pay you in low-carb chocolate pudding.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Cat Named Eggroll said...

dood, seriously.... low-carb chocolate pudding is a crime against nature.


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