so. effing. useless.
so the move is over, no thanks to me, because me? not good with the manual labor and the lifting and the carrying and the getting things from cupboard to box. and seriously? the fact that Fuzzy still loves me is testament to the fact that I need to marry this man before he wises up and realizes what he's getting himself into. I feel like I got worked by the business end of a steam roller, and he so did like 10 times as much as I did, so I can only barely start to fathom how sore he must be. when I get home from work, I'm laying the smack down and forcing him to sit down and relax, and making him tea and bringing him otter pops.
also, while we were trying to sleep, people kept walking by the window talking in normal conversational voices in the middle of the night. hi, welcome back to the dorms Stacy, so glad you could make it back.
but, bonus, we get way better TV reception, so we can more fully enjoy all 6 stations. the DSL won't be turned on until at least Friday, so until then I have to live without the internets. and I don't even have Harry Potter to resort to... OH THE HUMANITY!!!!
and seriously? please don't steal my wheels, mysterious night-time people.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:28 PM
oh youre not useless! if i ever decide to pack for the apocsy-lips, ill give you a call.
oh, i said it!
oh, that's pretty brazen from someone who wants to come up and stay in my house ;)
OH! I said it!
oh snap! for me! do the stacy shuffle!
you shoulda seen me shakin' my tail feather last night at Stars... lol
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