wow, how things have changed since I actually posted something worth posting. First, my mega announcement:
I'm Going To Transfer to School in Northern California!
Here are my reasons for transfering:
1. I want to be within a days drive of my family, just in case. I'm no longer comfortable with this three-thousand miles bullshit.
2. I want more variety in the classes I am offered. Only a larger campus can offer me that.
3. The school I'm looking at is approximately twenty thousand dollars a year cheaper than mine. That includes room and board.
4. Five Words: Pacific Ocean Meets Redwood Forest. My soul craves the ocean. It seems a rediculous thing to base the future of my life and education on, but I feel a sort of emptiness being this far from the ocean. And no, this is not the main reason at all. It's a fringe benefit. Yes.
5. My absolute favorite professor and most influential and inspiring teacher of all time is retiring largely because of the actions of this school, and not entirely voluntarily. As he leaves, so will a great deal of my respect for this institution.
6. I'd like to be able to register for the classes I want without having to get up at the crack of dawn just to get into my freaking painting class, thank you very much.
7. I could actually, maybe afford to live off campus at this other school, AND I could take my car.
8. There'd be boys there. Again, not a big deal as I tend to feel that a relationship would compromise my academic career, but I'm starting to see why a lot of my friends are guys. I need balance, dammit.
9. God willing, this next semester will be my last exposure to Pierre Capretz. I mean, yeah, maybe a good idea for people who only need to SPEAK French, but I'd kind of like to be able to conjugate verbs, spell things correctly, and I must say that punching Mireille in the face would give me immense satisfaction. McQ will have my back on this one.
10. I don't really expect the cafeteria food to be better than it is here. It can't, however, be worse, and at least it will be a new variety of awfulness. And Jesus Christ, I would like some fucking Mexican food that doesn't have massive chunks of tomato in it, and for the love of GOD, it must not be sweet! Is that too much to ask??
11. Three Words: TOO MUCH FLANNEL! 'Nuf Said.
12. New school has a Cannibis Coalition. I don't smoke pot. I don't want to smoke pot. I think pot is nasty. I like this club on principal alone. Incidently, new school also has Surf Club. Yes.
13. I appologize in advance to Mitch Ellykins. The vocabulary of the average Pittsburgher stinks. The leave important words out of sentences ("The car needs washed"), make up words ("yunz" "slippy"), contract words ("souside" "'sliberty"), and generally just talk wierd. I feel that my chances of securing gainful employment after graduation will be vastly improved if I can retain my grammatical accuracy.
For the moment I have to go... I will resume this list at a later time when I don't have to multitask myself to death.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:52 PM
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