Will this semester ever freaking end?!?!?!?
Ok, so I don't hate it here this year. I really don't. But I'm feeling really restless, and it is sooo hard to get out of the Chatham bubble. Besides that, I'm broke, so even when I do get off campus, I have to fight off the temptation to spend money I don't have. Of course, this generally leads to creative spending, like the dozen books I bought from the library for a grand total of 5 bucks. Maybe I'm a rare breed of bibliophile... I buy more books than I can read. I'm kind of excited, though... I got a copy of Jude the Obscure for 35 cents, so I can FINALLY finish the damn book, which I started about 4 years ago.
So here's something else I've been thinking about lately... Why is it that people aim to appease the lowest common denominator? I wrote a poem for my creative writing class, and it has a reference to one of Yeat's poems it in. A couple of people actually said that I would alienate some of my readers because most people haven't read Yeat's. So I gave it some thought, and I decided that I don't give a shit. I think people who deal in all varieties of mass media try too damn hard to make everything accessable to the average Joe Moron. why?? It seems that being well-read and well-educated is no longer in vogue, and I think that's a BAD thing. I don't think it's beneficial to pretend that stupid people really aren't just so that they feel better about themselves. People should at least know that Yeat's was a poet. Then if they don't know the particular poem to which I am refering, they at least know where to look to find out. I don't think it's necessary to dumb it down for anyone.
I will be really really happy when Christmas time gets here so that I can go home for a while. I miss my mom and my sister really bad. And all the pettyness that has consumed the last few weeks here is really grinding on my nerves. To be fair, it's only one person causing it, but it just makes me tired overall. For all their faults, my friends at home are not anywhere near as petty as this one girl is being. I just need to be away from this bullshit and back to my normal scheduled craziness.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:26 AM
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