Yeah. Yesterday was the ultimate roller coaster ride.
I met with the volunteer coordinator at my school about a project I am hoping to start. Well, I don't know if it was my selling it, or whether it's just an inherantly good idea, but she's now as excited about it as I am, and throwing her collective resources into the mix. I don't want to jinx it by throwing the idea out too wide too early, but we're going to get the social word dept, the psych dept, and the tech services dept into this, and she's going to have a chat with our dean of student affairs to see what sort of backing the school can give us. This is so exciting!!! Meanwhile, I registered the domain name for it, but there's nothing up there yet, so I'm gonna wait to post the link. What I love most about this is that the bigger I talk about this, and the more of my dreamer side peeks out, the more excited she gets about it. For the first time in my life someones not telling me to start small. If all goes well, we're going BIG with this, and I can't wait! BTW, if any web people out there want to get involved, drop me a line and I'll send you more info.
After that things slid downhill a bit. I think mostly it was that I was so busy, but my class that night seemed to drag on forever, and by the time it was over I was ready to curl up and go to sleep. It was Dr. Adams class, though, so I know it was just me. I did a lot of running around all day, so it was hard for me to sit still when I was already tired.
Then I get back to my room, write a quick group sonnet for my Major Brit class, and got into a fight with Sings with her Spirit. She's been dating this guy off and on (mostly off) for over a year now. Every time they get together she gets all giddy and won't listen to anything anyone says about the situation. Every time they break up she comes whining to me about what a jerk he is, even though I'm always the one telling her at the outset not to get back with him. So this time I said no when she told me she's trying to get back together with him again. I don't want to hear about him anymore. I'm sick of giving her advice which she then ignores, only to have her whine at me later. Well, in her usual fashion, she put words into my mouth that I didn't say, and took all of it completely the wrong way. I'm not surprised, really, she does it a lot. And evidently she can't be friends with me without talking about him, so for the moment we're not talking, because I refuse to hear it. The funny thing is, the last time they broke up (just before I went back to school--I remember her showing me the emails a few days before I went back) she told me that if she ever tried to get back with him again, to remind her of it. Well, I reminded her, but fat lot of good it did, so I'm done with the situation. If she's not going to listen to me, then I don't want to be involved in the situation AT ALL. Oh well.
Be Heard
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:15 AM
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