The Nekked Lady Stole My Stool!
Today marked the begining of figure drawing in my art class, so we all got to stand in a circle around a nekked lady while she posed and we scribbled furiously trying to keep up. If you've never done figure drawing in an art class, just allow me to say that it is an interesting experience. To me, nudity is no big deal. Like at all. What is a big deal is trying to draw ANYTHING in 15 seconds. Either my teacher is a mad woman, or I'm horribly inept, or maybe I'm learning and just haven't realized it yet. I did notice some improvement by the end of the class, and seeing as we'll be doing this for another 3 class sessions, hopefully I'll be a genius by the end of next week =Þ Oh yeah, and my feet hurt really bad by the end of class because I was standing for two and a half hours... I had a stool, but the naked lady took it :(
I've been working on my site off and on. I've amassed some new web-diva skills, but I haven't had a whole lot of time on my hands to put them into practice. I've also got some better examples of my art work... haven't had time to put them up on the site yet, but I posted them on this album thingy through bravenet: here
Things are shaping up well for my Samhain celebration. So far, if everyone shows up, we should have about 11 people there, which is huge for me. I've never had this big of a turnout. Even if only half that many people show up I'll be excited. I'm such a geek, though... I even made programs with the whole ritual typed out so that everyone knows what to say and when to say it.
Well, homework calls, and I've procrastinated for far too long anyway...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 9:10 PM
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