*sigh* I can't wait for Christmas... You know, deep down I guess I really am a romantic at heart. Crazy, huh? I love the whole holiday season, even though it usually means fighting with my family and all that great stuff. I love driving around with my mom and sister and looking at Christmas lights, going to Disneyland with it all decorated so pretty for the holidays... candycanes, fires in the fireplace at our house, pine trees, and of course, Christmas songs, which is what I'm listening to right now. I miss being at home with my family and my friends... I miss being able to drive around Whittier in my car, with my music turned up loud and me singing along... I miss hugging my little sister, and making my mom laugh until she cries. I'm such a schmucky home-body when you come right down to it.
Lately I've just been aching for California so bad. You'd really think that winter would be prettier in a place like Pennsylvania, what with snow and everything, but thats really not the case, at least not to me. Here, after fall, all the trees look tired, naked, and dead. At home almost all the trees will still be green, and with the decorations everywhere, and the air just chilly enough to be comfortable it will be really gorgeous there.
So last night was pretty cool. It was Fickes Eggnog and the Holiday Ball, so yeah, tons of people in nice clothes dancing around like idiots. Phil came up, and all my friends went, so we all had a good time. I'm still a little bitter that the DJ didn't play my song, but I guess I'll get over that eventually. We danced the night away, including the obligatory all girl slow dance, LoL... singing like drunken fools even though none of us had anything to drink. It was really quite amusing. I haven't been to anything like that since high school, and I guess even though it goes against everything I stand for, I still had a really good time. Now I just need to take Mitch Ellykins clubbing in California... muahahahaha... She had fun last night too, though, wearing my massive strappy-ass f*#% me shoes.... didn't fall once, dag nabbit... now THAT would have been funny. heh...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:21 PM
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