Would like to point out that I am still cheerful. To that end, I will recount that the Dr I spoke to today said she's confident it's not anything terribly serious. Said it's probably just some chemical imbalance or something I can't pronounce (which is never actually good, but it's better than it could be, right?)
Would also like to point out that I am terminally bored in Java class. Am noticing what a fun word "Java" is to say. javajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajavajava. Am wondering when we will be making things that don't look like squares or confederate flags like last nights homework. Looking at powerpoint presentation presented by strange Java professor. This is starting to vaguely resemble math, and we all know how much Stacy likes math.
Just decided will spend rest of class looking out window. Window far more interesting than powerpoint presentation. Can see planes heading across the horizon. Would rather be on one of said planes, as they are heading west and west=home. Why is there something resembling a large blue golf tee on the top of a hill outside said window? Pittsburgh=wierd town. Now there's a jet leaving a fluffy white trail through the sky. Reminds me of whipped cream in a can.
Just occured to me that large amounts of vodka and red bull would do wonders for improving my day. Might also help reduce amount of tension in my shoulders, as it feels like they are tied together by a far-too-short length of rope. Innebriation would probably be welcome. Would probably not do wonders for my Pre-Calc homework, however, so Pre-calc wins, shoulders lose.
Currently wonder what mother will bitch about first: prospect of this costing money, or me not telling her sooner. Will be interesting and possibly allow startling look into mothers priorities. Not sure I want to know. Remember car accident I was in at seventeen. Remember mother saying "my beautiful car" over and over again. Sure I do not want to know which she will bitch about first.
Java prof is currently making something on large screen that vaguely resembles a test for colorblindness. Returning gaze to window, which is not currently entertaining either. Wonder if JavaProf would notice if I nodded off? Class ends in about 5 minutes. That's 5 minutes too long.
Have pencil and sudden urge to drive said pencil forceably through my eye. Another jet leaving another whipped-cream trail in sky, this time farther away so that it actually looks like the sky is ripping. In a big arc. Now it looks like Falcor from Neverending Story. Mental note: should watch that movie more as I own video.
Now that silly JavaProf is wrapping up his marathon babble session, will end marathon stream-of-consciousness blog babble-ness. Thank you, and good day.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:42 PM
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