Survived Dr's appointment with no poking, no prodding, no bloodwork. Nothing really accomplished other than the dr suggesting I take iron pills in the mean time since I may or may not be anemic. Apparently it'd be cheaper to get everything else done at a clinic because I probably qualify for assistance/reduced rates and such. So yay, more waiting, more f*cking dr's, and more wondering what the hell is wrong with me. And she said I'll probably need like 4-5 blood tests. !?!?!?!?!?!? I hope they can do all of them from the same sample because I may already be anemic, so drawing all the blood out of me may not be the best idea the medical profession has had recently. God this is f*cking ridiculous. Me? frusterated? never... urgh... why can't this just all go away? grumblegrumblegrumblegrumblegrumblegrumblegrumble
Oh, and btw... Friday is my first Blogday :) Shower me with blatant adoration.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:13 PM
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