You know, some nights I just really want to go out and devour life... to go and consume all the beautiful sights and dance to great music, and just really absorb all there is to be found. This is one of those nights... If I had a car at my disposal and free time, I would be out with my friends, or having really deep conversations peppered with double-entendres and raised eyebrows with someone, or maybe running full speed into the crashing waves with all of my clothes on. Or maybe I'd just curl up on the sand and relish the soft, cool feel of it against my skin. Hell, even laying out in the grass and watching the stars sounds delightful right now, the dampness and smell of the earth enveloping me as the crickets sing. However, I can't do any of these things.
Because I have a pre-calc test tomorrow, which I'm probably going to fail.
And I have to study.
And it's driving me crazy....
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 6:44 PM
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