I don't think I have ever been as mentally, physically, and emotionally drained as I am in this very second.
I finished all of my finals. The brain-eating Java and Pre-Calc finals I was perparing for and expecting had far worse bark than bite, so I think I might have actually done okay. Either way I am simply too worn out to worry about it at the moment. As soon as I finished the last thing and threw away the 3ft pile of Java stuff I'd printed out over the course of the semester, the tension that seemed permanently embedded in my shoulder blades just gave out, and now my whole body feels like Jell-o. I literately had to prop myself up for a few seconds to get my legs back under me.
All my stuff is loaded into the van. I just need to shower, sleep, drop off a few things in the morning, and get the hell out of dodge.
I still have mixed feelings about leaving, but I'm leaning towards the glad side, with a heavy heart for the friends I'm leaving behind.
Anyway, I won't be posting for at least 4 days. I might make it hope in as few as two, but I'll probably sleep for 48 hours, curled up on my couch in the fetal position, once I get home.
My uncle rocks, and when I get home and have five seconds, I'll write about why.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:12 AM
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