I've made another addition. But first, some background.
For a long, long time I've harbored not-so-secret desires to be a photographer. Depending on my mood, I've wanted to work for Vogue, People, and National Geographic, and sometimes I've had the desire to revive my dormant freelance career, but so far I haven't really done anything with it.
Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
I found out today that my school fucked up and gave me the wrong meal plan without telling me, meaning I have the equivalent of $8 worth of food left for the rest of the semester. I have a job interview coming up, and I'm desperately hoping to get it, for many reasons, not the least of which being that I'm fond of eating on a daily basis. So I had this idea, one that I've been toying around with for a while. Last year when the world was caving in on me I thought of putting a paypal tip jar on here, but I never did because I detest the idea of asking people for money. So I came up with something better. I went over to cafepress and created me an online store, I did... and so far I've adorned t-shirts, a poster, a mousepad, and a few other things with the original picture that inspired the design for this site. I will probably expand a bit over the next few weeks, add some new photos and stuff like that. Whats available now can be found here. Check the "Peruse the Moichandise" section in the side bar for updates. If you like my photos, feel free to suggest one for me to add to the store. And if you're not as broke as me, give it a whirl...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 3:01 PM
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