Whew.... so I went in ready to raise hell regarding my meal plan and how it was gone... and it turns out the guy who rang me up at the cafeteria was wrong when he told me I only had about 8 bucks left... I have nearly 500 bucks left with which to eat for this semester, so woot woot for that. I am no longer clinically destitute. As such, any money I make with the stores I've posted will go directly into the "get Wendy here asap" fund. I sold a mousepad yesterday! I was surprised, didn't actually expect anyone to buy anything, so it gave me a bit of a confidence boost. :)
Things here are the same as ever. Classes are going okay, still looking for a job, but I have an interview tomorrow morning, so everyone send me happy job vibes so that I'll get it. It's not quite enough to enable me to move out, but it's in my field, and only between 9am and 5pm, so I can still apply other places for after those hours. And anyway, it's more than I've got at the moment, which is nothing. So wish me luck :) or better yet, wish me intelligence and confidence and all those little things that make potential employers want to hire you.
So I was walking to class this morning... left my apartment, went down the stairs and started making my way down the hill, when to my left I saw a small fawn grazing not ten feet away from me. See, thats what I love about this school... I can leave my apartment, see a deer, hike up a trail, cross a stream on a small footbridge or a series of rocks, hike up another hill and be at class. Every day seems to yield a new and beautiful wilderness experience.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 6:13 PM
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