so how about a real post?
today we went to a performing arts festival, which was pretty cool. got to see an amazing band do a blues show which was really cool... of course, despite my efforts to stay as far from the sun, I think I got too much heat because now I'm not feeling so great... oh well... that, and on the way home a car almost hit us head on going about 50 mph, so I'm kind of glad to be alive at this exact moment, and I think today has just been too much of an adventure for me.
my first class starts tomorrow, and it's American Government... not real excited about it, but I have to take it to graduate, so might as well get it over with in a month, right? I'll be taking American History and Chemistry later on, so there goes my summer, LoL. At least I'll be 11 units closer to graduation at the end of the summer.
things are going well at the ODC, but I have to miss the last part of training because of my class, at least most likely I'll have to miss it, not sure what the class will be like at this point. but even if I do have to miss it, it's alright, because I can still volunteer. I just hope they let me be an aquarist... not that talking to people about the tanks would be so bad, I just really want aquarist experience.
so far the summer is okay, laid back at least, even if it is to the point of being boring. most of my friends aren't around at the moment, so it means a lot of time at home, except when I get to hang out with Jen. only been to the beach once so far, will have to remedy that sometime soon.
I've been feeling really tired lately, and I hope I'm not getting anemic again. if I can find my vitamins or get some, I think I'm gonna start taking them again. hopefully it'll help.
anyone in socal wanna hang out? I need to get out of the house more... and Patrick, hurry up and get home, we soooo need to go driving in the hills or something.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:11 PM
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