So today has been slightly less than stellar for the following reasons:
1. I'm in a pissy mood.
2. People are trying really damn hard to tap dance on my last nerve.
3. Managed to wuss out of calling that clinic today, so no closer to medical treatment.
4. Have been unable to get ahold of OTB since I bought airline tickets, so I still need to confirm with him so he can't flake out on me.
5. Shoulders really tense and hurting.
6. Stupid alarm in dorm keeps testing itself. Every few seconds. Sounds vaguely like annoying birds.
7. One set of my neighbors is rapidly falling in my esteem.
8. Inadvertantly slept through pre-calc.
On the upside:
1. Weather today was really nice. Didn't bring spring cheerfulness, but at least it wasn't cold today.
2. For the second day in a row, symptoms of health problem that has me worried are absent. This has happened before, however, so the chances of it lasting are not great.
3. Web Development teachers like my work enough to want me to be the work study for the Web Dev department at my school. Can't really take advantage of said opportunity as I'm transfering, but it was a nice confidence booster none the less.
4. Even though I missed pre-calc, I went to the profs office and dropped of my homework, explained why I wasn't there, and picked up the review problems so I can start reviewing for my test one week from today.
5. Mom is being supportive about health crisis, to the point of not even mentioning the financial burdon this could place on us. This makes me feel bad for doubting her, but it reaffirms my faith in her, so that's good.
6. Because of Web Dev class, I get free webspace on my schools server. Can you say Photography site with no ads? Score :) I'll post the link, naturally, when it's finished. Also, don't have to use tables because I got permission to use CSS instead. Yay me.
7. Parental unit and Sister Amie agreed to grant my request for mexican food to be shipped with said sister at begining of April.
8. Begining of April is rapidly approaching.
9. Web Dev class only has one more meeting. Granted, I like that class, it only meets once a week, and there is very little homework, at least it's one class over with.
10. Good imagination and daydreaming faculties are providing me with endless hours of amusement, mostly involving M.L., California, Ocean, and Car.
11. Launchcast is playing "Sucked Out" by Superdrag. I like this song.
Here are some things for me to work on:
1. Not missing any more classes unnecessarily.
2. Finish Web Dev final assignment.
3. Study for Pre-Calc test. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
4. Catch up on reading for Harlem Ren.
5. Get some nerve up and make that damn Dr's appointment that I have no desire to make.
6. Learn to ignore people who seem bent on irritating me.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:43 PM
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