So today was doctors appointment day, and it actually went pretty well. Instead of throwing a list of tests I need out at me, this dr has taken action and gotten me started on some treatment already. Turns out that as it stands now, it's not a hugely dangerous thing. If it went untreated forever, it could lead to some pretty serious shit, but from what she said it's going to be okay now, and we'll be able to work through some interrelated health issues and hopefully have me more healthy in the long run than I have been in a long time. WoooHa for that. At the moment the most serious thing is the anemia which, as it happens, is worse than I thought. Healthy hemoglobin levels are around 12... 11 is where they start to consider the count low, and my count, currently, is 7.6. Aside from that, I could tell from their reactions to this count that this really isn't a good thing. What was my first clue, you ask? Well, first of all, the dr wants me to start taking twice the recommended dose of the iron pills I've been taking, as well as take vitamin C every day with it, which makes the body absorb more iron faster. And second, the woman who did the test said that it might be a good idea to not move around too quickly, or stand up too fast. Oh boy. So if I get a job this summer, it's probably gonna have to be something that has me sitting down a majority of the time. This severely limits my options. But at least I know what the hell is going on with my body, and at least we're working on fixing it. It's gonna be a long time, though, and some of the treatment may have to last for years, if not the rest of my life. Bah. I'm just glad it's not as bad as I was afraid it was going to be.
Tomorrow M.E. gets here, and I am SO. FREAKING. EXCITED. So excited. We haven't rolled out the red carpet, precisely... but the pretty blue carpet has been laid, and the new futon arrives on Monday afternoon. Woo Ha indeed.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:53 PM
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