Things are going alright for me right now. My health is still getting better, and even though I had to request fewer hours, I still have a job. In fact they want to train me for a cashier position once the store is open, which I am excited about.
Went with my mom and sister to facade's house today. What a fucking joke that man is. Wouldn't marry my mom because he didn't want to support me, and the asshole lives in a house worth at least $750,000. What a prick. He has all these friends that just think he is the sweetest person alive, because he's really good at putting on a show for people. God I hate him.
M.E. has decided to go home to visit her friends and family before school starts, which I think will be good. I know how much I missed my family when I was gone. At the moment I'm wondering why, though.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:41 PM
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