And now for something completely different...
So today was better. I woke up, and was just to damn sick of being miserable to feel much of anything at all, so I gathered up my stuff for my planned day o' productivity. I met Michelly for lunch, and we chatted a bit and stuff, then she left for class and I mosied on downstairs to the Housing office to find out why I got a bill for housing. Turns out one of my loans hasn't been put through completely, so I just have to sign the promisary note and another paper that says I understand I have to pay it back. Hello? I'm a junior in college, if I don't understand loans by now, I think I'm a lost cause. Anyway, if my calculations are correct, then after the housing costs are taken care of there should be about a thousand dollars left over, which I believe goes to me.... so hopefully I'm right, but I'm not holding my breath at this point.
Before class I went and mailed off a letter to my Steevie in Australia. I love sending mail as much as I love getting it. Who knew? After that I went to class for two hours. Nothing exciting. Western Civ was okay, but as usual Intro to English Major made me want to remove my eyes with a spork. I swear if that were my first impression of the English major, I'd petition to have the whole discipline removed from the university. After classes I went and applied for another job on campus, and I have an interview for it on Monday, so everyone be sending me happy job vibes. I'm still hoping to get the job in Community Relations, as that is definitely more up my alley, but at this point I just need something, anything. I figure if I do get that money from the loan, and I get a job, even if it's not many hours, I can at least start to look for an apartment off campus. So cross your fingers for me. After that I went and dropped off my photo portfolio to Community Relations office as they had requested it. Then it was off to Financial Aid to figure out the loan stuff. Should have that done by Tuesday.
Then met up with Michelle again. She pointed out that I'm repeating my usual pattern, and she's right. I feel a lot better today than I have for a few days. Hopefully I can hold onto this until I have a job and more of a stable pattern here, I think that's what I really need most of all. Mostly I just need to figure myself out in a new context again. I can do this.
Oh, and Michelle gets the award for most interesting reaction to my new design: "When I first saw it, I thought it said Wild Moose Sightings." And really, what more can be said than that?
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:23 PM
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