stacy was here (and probably spinning....): the numbers that shape my world...















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Sunday, April 02, 2006

the numbers that shape my world...

25: the approximate number of hours I've studied in the last week.

5: the number of chapters of ochem I've managed to eek through.

0: the number of chapters I feel I've actually absorbed or gotten comfortable with.

343974839412314: the number of times I've found myself in the middle of a paragraph that I don't remember starting, had to go back, and start over.

14: the number of times I've used the rescue inhaler in the last 4 days.

6: the number of naps I've taken in the last 4 days.

0: the number of good, deep, fulfilling breaths I've taken in the last 4 days.

4: the number of visits I've made to the health center in the last week and a half.

2: the approximate number of months until the wedding (holyshit!!!)

9: the number of hours until my next trip to the health center, at which point I will demand more effective long-term treatment. argh.

and by the way, in case anyone has forgotten, Fuzzy = the best.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:45 PM   0 comments


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