In which she blogs about something less geeky than Chem Lab...
This weekend the Wendylady and Dave are coming for a visit. There will be giggling and high-pitched noises and lots of pounding and laughing no doubt. I am looking forward to this. We are also pet-sitting for Diane the Magnificent because she is taking Erin to some Competition d'Awesomeness in which Erin shall surely rock mightily. We get to hang out at Dianeland if we want, which is good, because Fuzzy won't let us have light saber duels at Crazyville Gardens. He is afraid it might encourage an insurrection of our crazy ass tenants. So we shall dork out at Dianeland. And maybe follow it up with a dip in ze hot tub. Schweet. We will also be taking a trip up to where Endor was created, because I hear tell Dave is a big ol' Star Wars junkie. I know how to impress Star Wars Junkies, woo woo. There will be fun zis weekend, indeed.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:03 PM
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