Ok, so I'm kind of depressed at the moment, because I just read an article about a 12 year old girl who committed suicide last month. Here is the URL for the article if you want to read it: http://detnews.com/2001/schools/0103/08/a01-196600.htm. Her story is sooo familiar to me, because it is my story, and the story of so many of my friends and peers. In school, let every god of every religion help you if you're too tall, too short, too thin, too fat, too smart, too learning disadvantaged, wear glasses, have braces, aren't good at sports, aren't good at english, aren't good at art, aren't good at music, have an accent, talk slow, talk fast, walk funny, wear black, wear white, wear anything other people aren't wear, wear the same things other people are wearing, are too rich, are too poor, are too loud, are too quiet, believe in the Christian God, believe in any other God, or any other of the myriad of stupid things that kids will tease other kids about. At that age, all any kid wants is to be accepted. At 21, 31, 41 and on up, most people just want to be accepted. When are people going to stop caving in to the "kids will be kids" excuse? If kids will be kids, then kids will keep dying like this, either by their own hands, or by the hands of the people they teased or watched being teased every day. TV is not the culprit. Video games are not the culprit. Music is not the culprit. People are the culprit and, more importantly, deaf-eared, scapegoat-seeking society is the culprit. Schools need to have the power to curtail this kind of behavior, and they need to actually do it. Parents need to make their kids take responsibility for the way they treat other people. I'm not for prayer in school, but I don't think there is anything wrong with the golden rule. Kids need to be taught that every person is valuable, and that every person is vulnerable. Maybe if they made a bigger deal out of stories like this one, and downplayed the school shootings, people would stop demonizing the kids who have been pushed over the edge. Not all of them have lost their respect for all life. Some of them, like Tempest Smith, have lost respect for their own.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 6:44 PM
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