My Christmas Gift -and- The Girl Who Was Unfortunately Pagan
So how about my mom was almost shot yesterday? See, there was an armed robbery at her work. The Brinks Armoured Car guy had just picked up the daily deposit and had left her room when she heard a loud noise. She thought he'd dropped the bags of coin she'd given him, so she went outside to help him put them back on the cart. Well, the Brinks guy was sprawled out on the floor, and a guy was leaning over him and picking up the bags of currency. She thought it was her boss until he pointed a gun at her face and yelled at her to close her door. It seems he'd shot the Brinks guy, from the back, in the back of the head, before he even knew it was happening. This gunman, who obviously had no compunction whatsoever with taking one innocent life somehow saw fit not to shoot my mother, and I feel extremely lucky that she's still alive today. Now don't get me wrong, this doesn't make me any more inclined to pity the bastard that did it, I still think he needs to pay for what he did, and whatever they do to him when they catch him, I hope it's horrible, slow, and painful. If he'd hurt her, you could damn well be sure that I'd be out there right this very second looking for him . And if I found him, he'd never make it to his court date. In fact, if there is a hell, I hope he burns in it for a good long time. Which brings me to something else that's been bothering me for a while.
According to some people, as long as this man believes in God, he'd still make it into heaven. This man placed the barrell of a gun to the back of a mans head and pulled the trigger without ever thinking twice, and for only $27,000 in stolen money. Now, I don't think there is an amount of money that could justify killing someone, but if there were, that sure as hell wouldn't be near enough. This guy obviously felt differently. In fact, he didn't even have to kill the guy. He came up behind him and killed him instantly. He didn't wave the gun around and just use it as a threat. He didn't even beat the guy unconcious with it. He killed him, just like that. And some people try and tell me that as long as he believes in THEIR God, he can still go to heaven. But me, I believe God has a different name, so even if I discovered the cure for cancer, orchestrated world peace, and fed all the starving children in Somalia, they think that I will spend eternity burning in a hell that they read about in some book, but which I do not believe in. Does this seem a little cracked to anyone but me? Most of my friends, and most Christians I know aren't that extremist. In fact there's only one person, maybe two (though the jury is still out on her) of my "friends" who try to cram ideas just like this down my throat. And then I hear our Commander and Thief on TV talking about how we'll wipe out the "evil-doers". Well, what exactly does he think they think we are? These people who plowed airplanes into buildings thought that they were wiping out the "evil-doers" because thats what THEIR beliefs say that WE are. And since no one now living has met "God" or witnessed the creation of our world, how in the hell is it possible that some people are so unfathomably arrogant as to assume that only their beliefs are valid? I wonder if those few Christians who have helped murder abortion doctors thought they were killing an "evil-doer"? In an age where most people are able to live peaceably with people of different races, different religions, and different sexual-orientations, it's a very small amount of people who are fucking it up for the rest of us. And you know what? I'm going to do my part to show that I will not abide intollerance, and I'm going to start with that one friend of mine. He reads this journal, or at least he used to. If we can't hang out for one night without you insulting my beliefs or my right to believe them, then we won't hang out anymore. I'm sick of it. Number one, it makes me severely uncomfortable, and number two, you have no right to treat me, or anyone else that way no matter what kind of "good" you think you're doing. The fact is, you're just alienating people, and it's about time you learned to have a little respect for people. THAT is why I didn't return your email.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 5:22 PM
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