Things are going well for me here in London. Almost too well, except that there is just enough suckage mixed in at random intervals (mostly in the roommate relations category... *begin mini-tangent* no actual blowups, but I feel like they are irritated me for things which are beyond my countrol... and since I can't do anything about it, I'm simply going to avoid them to whatever extent that is possible. Thank god McQ is here to keep me sane...*end mini-tangent*) for me to be pristinely happy, and thus I am not afraid of a cosmic ballance out. But let me say that the good things occurring more than make up for the shit, so it's all good. I've been able to escape into good company on a couple of occasions, and that has helped immensely.
I am going to have so many stories to tell by the time I get back... Good stories, almost exclusively, so M.E., the GBD, and all my friends back on the left coast, y'all better get ready to hear me talk for a long time. I still love London. But now it's like I'm less infatuated with the city itself, and more endeared by the good experiences I've been having...(though those may or may not actually be linked with the city... cryptic much? Just a little. I do have to have *some* privacies after all... wasn't it Titanic where the old lady talked about the inner sanctum of a womans soul? yeah... that's what I'm getting at.)
In some ways I'm looking forward to going back to school, and in some ways not. I am anxious to get this next semester over so that I can move back to California. My soul craves the ocean ravenously. I miss my directional equilibrium. Maybe I'll never live elsewhere permanently. That remains to be seen, but in order to maintain my sanity whilst I finish school, I need to be there. At the same time, there are things here (in London) that I am loathe to leave, even though it be necessary. And over a week left! Imagine what the next will hold...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:37 AM
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