Well, now that the stress of traveling has passed (for the next three days, anyhow), things are ok here. It's nice to see M.E. again, I really missed her while I was at home. I think that, no matter how nervous she is, she will do very well in CA with me. My friends at home, no matter how resistant to change they are (*cough*Crown*cough*) will really like her, because I have good taste in people, and they've never been disappointed so far (at least to my knowledge.) At dinner me and another TMC (Temporarily Misplaced Californian) were talking about earthquakes, and she looked a little nervous... I assured her they are less frightening than heavy airplane turbulence, but I'm afraid that didn't sit well either as she takes her first trip on a plane in 5 days. As I do my best to take over London for two weeks, she'll be in Italy, absorbing the greatness of some of the worlds best artists every to grace creation with their brilliance. Amen to world travel, because if the world were limited to what can be found in this country, I should be very disappointed indeed.
Speaking of which, I'm really excited about my upcoming trip to London. In reflecting back on my last trip there, I think that I am better equipped this time for international travel. That and I'll be in better company this time around. This time I won't be surrounded by a group of moronic high school children. I was the youngest in the group last time, and the most mature of the lot, if I do say so myself. Last time, though, my timidness and the brevity of the trip prevented me from fully taking advantage of what the city has to offer. I want to see the historical sites, yes, but London is so much more than that. It's a living city, full of people and of culture, and I don't want to be a fly on the wall this time. I want to interract, dig a little deeper. I want to meet people (well, one person in particular... you know who you are.) I want to live in the city for two weeks, not merely exist there.
So I got my grades, and I'm a little perturbed with myself. I missed the Deans List by .07. I know that if I had put my full effort into my classes, I would have had a 4.0, but as usual, I seem unable to commit that much effort for the duration of the semester. I think that part of the reason I didn't do as well this semester as I usually do is that my schedule was a bit more hectic. My schedule never really felt normal at all, largely because one of my classes was independant study, one met only once a week, and I just felt constantly that I didn't have it pinned down right. This semester, hopefully, will be easier to nail down. My classes fit better together and are more regular, and I have only one English class. I still have the same independant study class, and now that I've done it once it won't be a problem this time around. I'm not sure how I feel about only having one English class, but I am excited about what class it is. It's completely dedicated to the Harlem Renaissance... a whole semester of writers like Langston Hughes, whose every word is like music, and W.E.B. DuBois, who is really amazing... What better way to briefly escape the conformity of the cannon of British Lit? Mind you, I would definitely be taking Brit Lit 2 if Dr. Adam were teaching it, but as he is not, I have no motivation to push forward with it so soon. I've probably read most of the material already anyway. I think there's a good chance I can master my Pre-Calc class, in fact I'm almost excited about that one too. I love a challenge, and I want to prove to myself that I can handle it. I'm also taking the second semester of French here, and I'm hoping to give Pierre Capretz a run for his money, the bastard. If anyone should ever talk to him, ask him how many times in his life he has ever needed to know how to say that someones eyes look indifferent directions. Honestly, I hate that method of teaching French. It's just lazy, dammit. Intro to Information Systems should be too hard. Phug assures me that it's mostly logic, and I think I'm fairly logical. The book is massive. I see it performing admirably the office of door stop some time in the future. Painting 1 will be great. M.E. and the GBD (Great Blue Druid), as well as a host of other interesting people, are in that class with me. I'm sure we will all wear large quantities of paint by the time summer arrives. Finally is Ballet, which I am determined to get an A in this coming semester. I'll already be awake because of Pre-Calc, so all I need is the motivation to scale the steps leading up to the gym, and I'm set.
Being back, and given the space of two days, I've realized some things about home. First and foremost, my sister is not a cramp to my style. I regret more the days I didn't take her along than the days when I had to watch my language or subject matter. I miss her tons, especially when I just need a hug for no reason at all. Second, let it be affirmed that my mom is the coolest mom ever. I just need to get her out of the house more often :) Third, the California chapter of Trio of Nerdly Doom is still intact, and will remain so, no matter who moves to Australia. We are the three amigos... perhaps eventually four if my suspicions are correct. We need more orginization, though, if we're going to launch Mockery ever. I really can't wait until next fall, when (hopefully) I beging the second half of my college career on the west coast.
Here's hoping 2002 is bigger and better than last year. Cheers.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 4:43 PM
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