I am just filled with warm fuzzies tonight... and I'm not exactly sure why, because by all accounts I should just be having a normal night. See, it's the first day of spring today, right? And what happens? Snow, and lots of it. All of my friends are going to be gone for a week, and I can't go with WotWot because I have to work this week getting the web templates at my school working.
I think part of my mood is knowing that my sister will be here in less than two weeks. It's also the Vernal Equinox tonight, which is a pagan holiday. If I'm feeling ambitious maybe I'll do some meditation a little later on. Something about my witchy holidays just puts me in a good mood, of deep resonance. Even though I can't really observe it completely, it's like I can feel other pagans around making the connection. And my head has been swimming with wonderful daydreams all day, and right now I'm listening to Dante's Prayer by Loreena McKennitt, which is my song of the moment. I love it when a song just hits the spot.
Speaking of my happy daydreams, I got some new propaganda from the wonderful people at Humboldt, basically touristy stuff about the area, with lots of pictures. Turns out The Majestic was filmed not far from where my schools is. If you've seen that movie, you know how beautiful the area is. Of course, I'm already convinced that I'm going there, and as such the propaganda value is lost on me... Methinks I sees some california propaganda in M.L.'s future, however... tee hee.
Well, I'm off to go be witchy.
Cast your eyes to the ocean...
Cast your soul to the sea...
When the dark night seems endless...
Please remember me...
-Dante's Prayer, Loreena McKennitt
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:30 PM
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