So today I did not rate very high on fashion practicality. I looked out my window when I got up at noon and thought "gee, it's quite sunny out, I guess I'll wear my sandals." By the time I left work, it was snowing. Not just raining, snowing. And the snow was sticking to the ground. So I had to have my boss drive me to my dorm. *sigh* I *hate* Pittsburgh weather.
Things are going well with my new job. I came up with a solution to the problem they presented me with. It's a slightly less brilliant solution than I would have liked, but it works, so that's good at least. So I'll be spending the next few times at work getting that in place, which is cool... much more productive than sitting there wishing evil on the creators of Netscape.
On the upside, tomorrow is my last day of classes before spring break, so I'll probably be spending the next 9 days piddling around the internet at odd hours, doing stuff that isn't really necessary or truly productive, mostly just procrastinating from tackling the mountain of work that I've been saving up for a rainy day. I can't wait for my sister to get here. Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait. We are going to have *such* a blast. :)
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 4:03 PM
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