So, no Goonies, but we did see Space Balls and Sixteen Candles, so tonight was good. I love movies with cheesy happy endings... and you don't get any better than "make a wish" "but it already came true" *insert kiss over flaming cake*. Ok, so I'm a schmuck for 80's movies, what can I say? We decided that WotWot's SBP was probably Anthony Michael Hall in high school, LoL.
I was thinking about it just now, and I am definitely a music junkie. But beyond that I was thinking that there is music that really hits the spot for a short period of time and then fades out of synch with you, and then there's music that stays inside of you for always. Like "You Were Meant For Me" by Jewel just tried to play on my launch cast, and I just hit fast forward because I don't really care for it anymore, but I remember being in high school when it first came out, and I had this friend Olivia who had it, and I remember just sitting there listening to that CD and crying like mad. Kind of depressing, I guess, but I was dealing with a lot in high school, and it gave me a way of letting it out. And now it's just a song. It's not my anthem, or my soundtrack music anymore. And then there are songs like "A Warm Place" by NIN, which has no words, but something in the melody just makes everything in me draw to a common central rythm. Something about that song is the pace at which I exist, and so it's a great song for me when my mind is littered all around in disconnected confusion. I love music like that. The piano solo in Claudia's Adagio Agitato from the Interview with the Vampire soundtrack is the same thing. That puts me in touch with my grieving mechanisms when I need them. The silliest thing, I think, is that music is the real reason why I miss my car so much. Because my car is like my music cocoon. I can turn up the volume as loud as I want, sing at the top of my lungs, and it's my space. Here I've got my room, but I've also got thin walls and neighbors, some of whom are not inconsiderate nuisances.
One of my friends said "damn, I'm glad I'm on your good side" when she heard me rant about last nights interruption of sleep, but I'm not really an angry/violent/bad tempered person. For the most part I like to ignore stuff like that, and if it was an isolated incident I would. In all actuality, it takes a lot to really get me pissed off, and I'd rather avoid it completely. Once I do get pissed, however, I don't usually just yell and scream, I get even. Like if last nights events are repeated, I'll be going to my RA immediately to turn them in for underage drinking. Does that make me vindictive? Probably. Will it stop my problem? Possibly. Anyway, long story short (too late), I'm not irritated anymore. My computer works, I'm determined to sleep tonight, and things have been patched up between WotWot and I (that's another long story I'll not go into, because it's not really a big deal.) She'll prolly be back sleeping in my closet by the end of this weekend.
And no, for those who asked, I have not called the clinic place yet. I'll call eventually, probably. I'm not good at this dr stuff. But I have been taking my vitamins like a good girl, and I noticed I have more energy than I did. Prolly means I'm anemic, I guess. The Dr here on campus asked if people had remarked on my paleness, and I had to surpress a laugh. I don't think I could possibly be more pale, really. Any paler and I'd be transparent.
I just had the sudden urge to go swimming. Odd.
I think thats my cue to go to bed now.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:44 PM
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