I think I just hit a really creative patch of life, like within the last few days. These things leap on me from out of the shadows... Usually it'll be when I'm listening to a song, and it'll just click with something in my head and start buzzing around in there, stirring images and ideas and what have you. It's usually an exact moment that the song fits into, as well... like the same song usually doesn't strike me twice, or if it does it's for very different reasons... So right now I've got that buzzing in my head, persistent as a rash, and I can't really do anything about it. See, it's not really the buzz to write, although it may end up manifesting that way for lack of other expression. Right now it's a buzz to paint, and stupid me, I left all my paints and canvases at home, 12 hours away, which may as well be a world away at this exact moment. I can see where it could forseeably turn into a photography buzz, but in that case I'd need a willing model since this is definitely an emotional expression, and I don't know enough people to be able to choose wisely. Can't you just see me walking up to a stranger who happens to have a compatible look with my vision and asking them to do a shoot with me? So yeah, my best model, my little sister, who can express millions of emotions and always gets what I'm saying when I give her instructions, is also 12 hours away. Then there's also the issue that I'd want to do film shots, which means paying to have film developed, which, at the moment, is not a realistic option. I wish I had a really huge telefoto lens for my camera, of course it would tempt me to take pictures of emotional moments unbeknownst to the participants, which is extremely unethical, but right now it fits with the song thats buzzing in my head. So I suppose the only outlet I'm going to find, in the absence of actual drawing skills, is writing. It seems such a pale comparison of what visual art can express, but we'll see what happens.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 6:26 PM
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