stacy was here (and probably spinning....)















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Okay, because Meigan did it, and I'm a follower, here are 100 Things:

1. I always have at least 2 books within arms reach.

2. I'm going to be old in about 2.5 weeks.

3. I said the same thing last year.

4. My sense of direction is dependant on the Ocean. Anywhere in the state of California, I can close my eyes, spin around, and point and tell you which way the ocean is.

5. I love to take pictures, and I'm good at it.

6. I have a love/hate relationship with my hair.

7. I have a love/hate relationship with my body as well. Mostly I love my body, not because it's perfect, because it's not, but because of all the things it enables me to do.

8. I am an asshole.

9. I road rage pretty bad, but it's funny. I can break from singing opera in time to curse someone in one orifice and out the other, and then go back to singing opera without missing a beat. And I usually laugh at myself afterward.

10. I sometimes laugh like a harbor seal.

11. But what I really want to do is be a photographer.

12. Or run a magazine.

13. Or teach college.

14. Or all of the above.

15. I am a goddess when it comes to writing limericks. I'm also getting pretty good at haiku.

16. I am a hopeless romantic.

17. I have little hands.

18. My eyes change colors, depending on what I wear and what mood I'm in. I once got really angry and a friend swore up and down that they were yellow *shrug*

19. In high school, I considered myself a loner.

20. I crave being near the people I care about. So much for being a loner.

21. I love getting into my car and singing loudly along with the radio.

22. Sometimes I'm very naive.

23. Sometimes I am incredibly simple, especially in what I want from life.

24. Sometimes I can be ridiculously complex.

25. Mostly, I'm just me.

26. I love water. Swimming in it, bathing in it, standing in the rain... anything.

27. I love the outdoors and wild nature, but sometimes I really really miss being near a big city.

28. I spend way too much time on my computer.

29. I like weaponry; specifically, I like swords/daggers and archery stuff.

30. I think people look exceptionally hot shooting a bow and arrow. Just in general.

31. The thing I miss most about being with someone is kissing. I love to kiss, more than anything.

32. I love soft things: blankets fresh from the drier, big fluffy pillows and comforters, stuffed animals, you name it, I'll curl up with it.

33. When I was little, I wouldn't wear a dress if the skirt didn't swish.

34. I have a childish love for Harry Potter.

35. I am ridiculously protective of my little sister.

36. Every neighborhood has a creepy house that the kids are all scared of. I grew up in that house.

37. I love sending and receiving paper letters.

38. When my aunt, with whom I shared a special bond, died, she was burried at sea. Now I equate being near the ocean with being near her.

39. I keep a photo of her with my tarot cards so I always know where it is.

40. When my grandfather died, I had a dream where he showed me what it was like to be dead.

41. My favorite Shakespeare play is Much Ado About Nothing.

42. I really like the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams.

43. At times I simultaneously miss home and hate the idea of going back.

44. I love visual arts: painting, photography, drawing, anything.

45. I love preraphaelite art more than any other genre.

46. I have always harbored secret desires to be a photographer for National Geographic.

47. Or Vogue.

48. I love to sing.

49. I'm writing a book. for my sister.

50. I have some of the best friends in the world. It's just that all but one of them are far far away.

51. I was in marching band in high school. Every day I swore I was going to quit because I hated it. I stuck through all four years.

52. I love to dance when I think no one is watching.

53. Halloween is my favorite holiday.

54. I ate it at Keats' house.

55. Most people in high school probably thought I was going nowhere in life.

56. I'm going to relish proving them wrong.

57. I love to cook, and I'm usually good at it.

58. When I get my Ph.D., I have every intention of making my sister's dad call me "Doctor Stacy", because I can, and because he's an asshole who didn't want to marry my mom because he didn't want to pay for me to go to college.

59. My dad once built me a kickass treehouse, but that may very well be the last thing he ever did for me.

60. I have never tried any kind of illegal drugs.

61. Nor do I intend to.

62. Though I once got a contact high at a Sex Pistols concert.

63. I ran away from home twice. Once when I was about 10, and that was only to a friends house, and once when I was 16, when my aunt came and got me.

64. I have dreams that sometimes come true.

65. 90% of the time I wish I was somewhere else. No matter where I am.

66. I'm really afraid that, given enough time, the current administration would start burning witches again.

67. Even though the house I grew up in is riddled with bad memories, I wish I still lived there.

68. I remember once, when I was a kid, being at my dads house and him telling his friend that I was "not very bright, but a good kid." Fucker.

69. I think on some level part of me still wants his acceptance.

70. I love cats.

71. I tried to kill myself once by falling asleep on the railroad tracks by my house.

72. Part of me really, really misses Pittsburgh.

73. I also really, really miss London.

74. Sometimes I listen to music and it fills my entire being.

75. I can quote the entirety of The Princess Bride.

76. I have seen the inside of 9 airports.

77. Sometimes I am ridiculously fragile.

78. I like it when people play with my hair. As long as it's the right people.

79. I was 12 years old when my little sister was born, and my mom made me go to school that day.

80. I bought her her first stuffed animal, and she still has it.

81. I trained her to laugh like Steve Urkel when she was just a wee babe.

82. Since then I have molded her in my image. muahahaha.

83. I'm afraid of whats going to happen after I graduate. Mostly because I don't know.

84. I don't like gold, but I love silver.

85. I can surf, but very, very badly. I want to take lessons, but I don't want to go by myself.

86. I love thunder storms.

87. I've always harbored secret desires to be a rock star.

88. My main goal in life is to be happy, and less dysfunctional than my family.

89. I really, really like Christmas, because I get all fuzzy and warm inside. Until my family starts fighting.

90. Sometimes I feel like Whittier, CA will always be home. And sometimes I feel like there's nowhere in the world far enough away from home.

91. My mom, sister, sisters dad and I used to go to this psychologist to help my sister. He would usually talk to me without everyone else. About psych theory.

92. I remember living in a mobile home with my mom when I was about 4 years old. I think those are my earliest memories.

93. I hate rejection but I've gotten used to it.

94. I usually feel like I should be living in another time.

95. My favorite artist is Brian Froud.

96. My favorite season is Autumn.

97. I used to take ice skating lessons. I got kicked in the shins with the toe pic of an ice skate 3 times by a person who couldn't control their feet.

98. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep until my life was normal.

99. I went to my senior prom with a female friend, and didn't go to my grad nite at all.

100. I generally tend to think things can only get better.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:30 AM   0 comments


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