ahhhhhh! the randomness, with the crazy and the whoa! and the trips to the headshrinks....
** I just downloaded "New Zero" by Rasputina, and OMFG is it ultimately rawr.... very very HOTT... This maybe have easily and spontaneously catapaulted onto my list of favorite songs.... *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* Stacy like.... stacy pet.... stacy purrrrrrrr....
** Tomorrow is my next visit to the headshrink, different one than last time... I have vague hopes that it might be helpful, but here's me not holding my breath... It's not that I have no faith in the psych professions, but I just recognize that good, competent psychologists are few and far between, and whether or not someone is effective depends largely on the dynamic of our personalities... I need someone who won't take shit from me, who will tell me when I'm being an ass, and not just sit there and nod placatingly like I'm an overgrown child. I know what's going on in my head, and why it's going on that way... what I need is someone to tell me what to do with that information... how 'bout it, science?
** OMG... 18 days!!! 18 days... thats 2 weeks and 4 days... less than 3 full weeks... OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG... it creeps steadily closer, and it's scaring the bejezus out of me... this is so... so.... &*(#$@)&*$)!
** Had a dream last night about heights, yours truly, and the folks involved in the impending Week of Maddness... lessee... I have a great fear of heights and in the dream I was perched precariously on the edge, afraid of falling... could this be indicative of anything in my waking life? hmmmm.... see? who needs a headshrink...
** So thanks to one of my people at Chatham who shall remain nameless (because she nicked a cloth napkin from a school function), I have a new stockpile of Chatham Crap... WoooHOOOOO.... It includes the aforementioned Actual Chatham Cloth Napkin!, a lanyard for keys, and a bottle opener that is also a keychain. You know, I didn't have that much Chatham Crap when I went to Chatham, heehee... I'm loving it, and the cloth napkin is now occupying a rather large square of my wall, which is good because there's still too much blank space, though I did recieve a lovely postcard from Amanda with Pittsburghese on it, as well as one from Steevie featuring nearly naked Australian boys... rawr....
** Arcata, CA is, quite possibly, the only place in America where you can subsist completely through the Salvation Army Store, Grocery Outlet and the Dollar Tree without actually being white trash... Every time I go to the Salvation Army Store, I find good stuff... not marginally good stuff, good stuff... stuff I would actually buy and wear in public... yay for thrift stores. Oh yeah, and the Grocery Outlet, which I swear, sells bottles of Stolychnya vodka for like five or six bucks. I have no one to drink with, but if I did, GOOD GOD would I be set up.
** So how about my birthday is exactly 7 days from now, and I don't have anything to do? Not one damn thing... Looks like my birthday is going to be equally as thrilling as Halloween was, when I sat home all night, watched a movie by myself, and talked to people online... You know, kind of like EVERY OTHER FUCKING DAY HERE. Meh. me = the suck.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:05 PM
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