Okay, so me Michellykins made it home alright, but lemme say it was an interesting trip.
Wednesday was excellent... finished my last paper, went to the doctor, got medicated, sold my books back to the tune of $91, got my Western Civ exam back (I set the curve), got my grade for that class (A), loaded up the car and we were out before 2 in the afternoon. We made it down to Mikeys by about six, hung out for a while, and slept. Left again at ten am.
Y'all know that storm? The big one on the West Coast thats been all over the news? Well, we played cat and mouse with it all the way home. We left Mikeys and got on the freeway in Berkeley about thirty seconds before the torrential downpour began. Could barely see for the first few hours while we went through the cities, and it settled down a bit once we hit the open road.
We opted to take the 101 all the way down because I heard there was a chance of snow on the 5, and it's lucky we did because it DID snow on the 5, and the DID close it for over five hours over the grapevine due to snow. We had no snow on the 101, so we made decent time, considering we hit traffic in EVERY EFFING CITY. Finally made it home after 8, ten hours after leaving. Hung out with Steevie for a while, then crashed...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:52 AM
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