stacy was here (and probably spinning....): More spinning... obsessed much?















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Friday, March 13, 2009

More spinning... obsessed much?

So I got my new needles from Paradise Fibers tonight, and it came with free samples of fiber and yarn.  First the yarn, Queensland Kathmandu Aran Tweed Yarn...

First off, I love the color and the feel of this yarn.  It's way softer than it looks in the picture and has a nice body to it.  I would definitely consider using this yarn in the future.

They also sent me a lovely sample of Baby Camel Top in white.

Well, clearly it isn't white, which I knew from the website before I requested it, but I kind of like that it's the natural color of the camel down rather than being bleached.  This stuff is gloriously soft, not the softest camel fiber I've ever felt, but still enough to make any spinner drool in envy.  It has a rather short staple length, which makes it a bit finicky to spin.  I would NOT recommend this for an inexperienced spinner, and after having spun it on a drop spindle, I doubt I would ever try to spin this on the wheel.  I have some camel back in NY waiting to be picked up and spun, and it's in clouds rather than top or roving.  I thought that was what was making it difficult to spin, and that's part of it, but the other part, as I discovered, was that camel just has a short staple length compared to most of the other things I've spun (chiefly wool and alpaca.)  This is not a deal breaker for me, not by any stretch of the imagination.  To my mind, it doesn't make sense to drop serious money on a fiber like this and then rush through spinning it on the wheel.  But then, I'm obviously a process person rather than a product person.

I overspun it intentionally, as I do with anything I am planning to ply.  This made the plying come out very well, and the yarn, which is navajo plied (I tend to navajo ply anything if it's in a small quantity like this.)  It is so soft to the touch... not as soft as my tiny bit of cashmere (no big surprise there), and roughtly comparable to the alpaca in softness, though they definitely have their differences.  The alpaca is more slippery, which I think is why it feels like I'm stretching it when I spin it.  The camel is fluffier, more matte than smooth, so it grips the other fibers slightly better, but if you try to draft it out too much it just separates like clouds pulling apart.  I found that if I drafted 1" to 1.5" at a time it stayed together rather well.

Overall, this is a fiber I've been eyeballing for a long time, and I think I will definitely getting more of it at some time in the future.

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posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:37 PM   0 comments


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