stacy was here (and probably spinning....): blaaah















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Friday, March 13, 2009


So I've been spinning the alpaca I have left, and my supply is dwindling... I suppose it's good that I can spin more than an ounce in a week, but I'll feel better when I have more in my hand. It was really warm this afternoon, and spinning it was just about agony spinning it in the heat and it nearly became a sweaty mess in my hand.  I finished off the first ounce and wound it onto my specialized equipment:

After that, I navajo plied it into a 3ply.  The yarn called for in the pattern, according to Ravelry is 8 wraps to the inch.  As you can see, 8 wraps of the alpaca at a 3ply is about a half inch.  So I went with my mom to an LYS out here and looked at the recommended yarn, and really it's not any thicker than the 3 ply, so I've knitted a swatch and we'll see how it goes.

Here it is in a tiny little skein :)

I tried to take a picture of the swatch, which is currently blocking, but you can't see it against the dark blue of the carpet, so I'll have to take something clearer when its not pinned down to the floor.  At any rate it looks like I'm getting close to the gauge of the sweater pattern, which is good.  If anything, though, I might switch to smaller needles because I'm in between sizes and knitting it a little tighter will give me smaller finished sweater.

Here are some pics of my progress in the room...  Franny, as you can see, has been helping by holding the bed down.  She has also been eating spice.  

The shade I got is awesome in a natural green hempy sort of way, but of course thats totally lost against the dinge of the wall *sigh*.  Oh well, at least I have a slight bit more privacy than I did before, and now I just have to find something to hang on the door so that I don't have to deal with people walking around in the backyard and looking into my room.

I've accomplished a bit more since that last one was taken, mostly that the crap on top of the entertainment center is now gone and replaced with candles

My dad is also back in the hospital.  Apparently his incision was leaking and ended up getting infected, so now they have to do surgery again to replace the mesh in his abdomen, and they're going to take muscle from his leg to help close it up more effectively.  Please keep him in your thoughts.

Job fair tomorrow, and other potential job may start on Monday, so hopefully by next week I will be gainfully employed.

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posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:20 PM   0 comments


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