My head and my heart are both so full right now that I don't even know where to begin untangling it all. And please don't be offended, dear reader, if I hold some things back. There are some experiences and some details in life that aren't meant to be delivered to the masses, no matter how theraputic. Some memories are mine to curl up and relish on my own.
As for London, well, I don't know when I'll get around to blogging the whole long string of days spent there. The way I look at things has changed so much in the past two weeks that I need time to wander around inside my head and figure out exactly where I am. So here are some random bits of trivia, about me, about my travels, etc.
Things that have different names in London and the U.S.:
1. Elevator = Lift
2. Restroom = Toilet
3. French Fries = Chips
4. Chips = Crisps
5. American = Leper
Interesting social wierdness:
According to a reliable source (the guy that WOT is currently lusting after, who is from London), the English consider it incredibly improper to start up a conversation with someone to whom you have not been introduced to by a mutual aquaintence. Interesting... And one of many reasons that I could probably not live in London for any extended period of time. This is also why Americans are seemingly so hated by Londoners... we have the audacity to try and make friends.
Random facts about me that people seem to find surprising:
1. I am still a virgin. Yes, 22 and a virgin. I know, you don't believe me. Yes, I am an anomole of modern existence. No, I don't have a hump on one shoulder, nor do I have any warts.
2. I've been named an honorary Irishman by a group of the coolest people I have ever met in my life. Tee hee. That's so much cooler than genetics and lineage.
3. I tend to keep things for sentimental value that most other people consider insignificant. Like pub coasters, receipts, random brochures, etc. I'm going to make a collage, really. I swear. One day I will....
4. I adore my sister way more than anyone really understands. I find myself in foreign countries thinking, "man, Amie sooo needs to be here seeing this with me right now." One day I will give her the world on a silver platter.
5. I have an almost obsessive relationship with music. Every once in a while a song or an artist meshes so well with my state of mind that I simply can't stop listening. At this very moment that artist is Tori Amos, and I'm not particularly sure why. Hmmmm....
6. Poetry evidently has strange effects on me. After hearing Dr. Adam's teary reading of some of Keats' poetry and letters, I wandered out of Keats' house in a daze of poetic heartache and ate it on the stones outside Keats' door. *sigh* Keats' loved a woman desperately who was seperated from him by eight inches of wall and Tuberculosis, and he wrote her letters and poetry every single day in agony. He died before they could be married, and even though she eventually married another man, the ring he gave her never left her finger, even after she died. That breaks my heart into so many pieces.
7. I have this unnatural obsession with fountain pens. Born in the wrong century? Me?? Never!
8. I am an English major in college, and still find that words fail me when I seem to need them most. And sometimes I throw them out the window purposefully, in the most haphazard fashion...
9. I sing as often as possible, but rarely to anyone...
Things I missed about the U.S.:
1. Free internet connection.
2. Being in a more compatible time zone as most of my friends.
3. My own bed with my own sheets.
4. Michelle, who is coming back in a few days.
5. Having my own phone.
6. Being able to sleep past 8am.
7. Banal American television. Oh wait, they have that in the UK too... =Þ
Grad schools I am considering that I hadn't previously considered:
1. Trinity College Dublin
2. University of Cambridge
Okay, hopefully that will hold everyone over for a few days...
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 5:34 PM
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