so yeah... I was a good girl this weekend, and did most of the studying I hoped to accomplish. I have two mid-terms next week, Wednesday and Thursday respectively, so I'm being uncharacteristically good about getting a jump on things. Yay me.
Of course, I wasn't all good this weekend. I started working on another template for the site. Not sure how I feel about it. Part of me likes the simplicity, part of me things there's too much white space. Maybe it's just that I've never willingly made a site with a white background before... Maybe I should give it a whirl, see what I'm missing. In related news, Netscape is wooing me for the first time ever. See, I'm stuck with IE5, which, although a lovely browser, doesn't support as much CSS as I use in the new template. So if you're looking at it in IE5 or lower, the borders on the center table are solid, as opposed to IE or Netscape 6, in which they are dashed. Tried to go download IE6, turns out I can't get it while running Windows 95. Time to upgrade, much? Hopefully I can syncronize watches with my uncle the computer guru and make that happen before the end of the year. *crosses fingers* So yeah. Let me know in the comments what you think of the new template. I know this one is still wet behind the ears, but what can I say? The creative urge is nagging at me....
It's now down to 53 days of waiting. Doesn't sound that long, does it? thats one month with 22 days tacked onto it. It feels terminally long to me right now, but seeing as I am hoping to have an apartment by then, and hopefully Wendy here as well, it's not like I've nothing to occupy those 53 days. I'm looking forward to 8 days at the end of a 53 day wait. Which means after the waiting, those 8 days will fly by before I even have a chance to take a breath... Sometimes I really hate the whole concept of time...
So I'm not sure now whether or not I'll be going home for Thanksgiving or not. It all depends on whether or not my uncle will be able to fix my car during the week, because I won't be able to be there on a weekend, which is when he'd normally do it, and I don't want to make that 12 hour drive twice the way my car is right now. If thats the case, I'll wait the extra month and go home for Christmas. Besides, if I get an apartment and all that, we can always have a feast there, though it may be sitting indian-style on the living room floor, depending on our ability to furnish it with $15 ;) My suggestion of turkey sammiches with potato chips and cranberry juice was vetoed. Guess that means I'd actually have to cook =O Might be fun, actually, now that I think of it, even though the thought of being so domestic makes a shiver go up my spine. Can't I just make reservations like my mother?
So life is moving steadily forward for your faithful heroine. I'm adjusting, getting comfortable in my skin again, maybe even starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel? I'll keep you posted on that last one ;) Maybe by the time I move again I'll have this whole process down pat, and not get ruffled about it anymore? If my pattern has any say in the matter, probably not, but at least I'm getting used to it, and at least the ruffled feathers don't last as long as they used to.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:05 AM
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