And just when you thought we were climbing uphill....
so yeah, that check I'll probably be getting for $1000? well, now I find that a) my mother is behind on my loan payments (subtract $300), and b) I will probably lose my health insurance when I turn 23 in a little over a month... meaning if I want to keep myself from bleeding to death, I have to shell out for the schools coverage (subtract about another $400). So yeah. There went getting an apartment quickly. hopefully though something wonderful will happen to compensate for this. pehaps something in the form of an email informing me I have a job. but if things don't improve there's always high-velocity transcortical lead therapy.
just so y'all know, everyone should really completely ignore me, at least until further notice. my current attitude is not fit for human consumption. ugh, I am so fired.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:09 AM
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