stacy was here (and probably spinning....)















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

so Christmas went well. turns out my uncle used to be really good at archery, and since I wanted a bow and he doesn't use his old one, him and my mom gave it to me. it's in beautiful shape, perfect size and weight and all that, so woot woot indeed. my sister got me a huge thing of stuff from Bath and Body Works, sweet pea *purrrrrrrrrr* and I'm currently wearing my new fuzzy slippers, so good Christmas tally. things here are going okay except that I've been feeling really tired all the time. I think the antibiotics are making me feel run down, but there's not too many left so that should end soon I hope.

family and friends are doing well, from everything I've heard. haven't seen everyone yet though, so we'll see. I found out today that my little brother is going into the marines soon, so I'm gonna try and see him before I go back to school in January. it means I have to break down and see my dad, which doesn't appeal to me, but hopefully I'll get a chance to have an actual relationship with my brothers if nothing else. wish me luck.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:01 PM   0 comments


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