It's been a while since I've posted, but mainly because my room is a sweltering hell and any movement at all is made a thousand times more difficult by the 30000% humidity. It's been an adventurous week, complete with getting screwed over by the powers that be of the housing offices at my school, but hopefully that will all work itself out, as I really don't feel up to launching into another screaming tyrade about this whole subject.
I'm looking forward to going home for the summer, I just wish I could be sure that I will have everything taken care of by then. I don't have TOO much studying to do, but I've also got packing to do, storage options to sort out, and travel arrangements to be made.
I am excited to get to see my friends again, but I will miss the friends I've made here, especially the friends I've gotten to know better recently. Fortunately, most of my friends will be back next year. Unfortunately, so will most of my enemies. All in all, it's been a pretty productive year for me, and I am really proud of myself for getting through it and managing to make arrangements for next year here.
I am also looking forward to my extremely right-brained fall semester: Creative Writing 1, Major Brittish Writers 1, Artscape 1: the 60's, Expressions in Painting and Drawing, Study Abroad Pre-Course, and Modern Dance, currently, though I also intend to register for Yoga and Voice.
I notified my employer on campus that I can't promise how often I'll be able to make it into work over the next two weeks, and she just said to come in as much as possible, that they really want to get the filing "done." This cracks me up because 1) I have no intent to work there next year, so I really don't give a rodents hindquarters if their filing gets done, 2) I've gotten the filing "done" 4 times this semester, and every time they just happen to find another 6 ft pile that mysteriously slipped behind a filing cabinet somewhere for me to do, and 3) They honestly think that $5.15 an hour is enough for me to care if they have to look at a pile of filing over the summer, when we all know that there is no chance of THEM actually trying to finish any of it. Frankly, my first priority is getting everything tied up neatly before I leave, and filing doesn't fill that quota for me.
Wish me luck on not pulling my hair out, not melting in this heat, and getting out of my first year in college without yelling horrifically at someone.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:11 PM
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