I talked to the parental unit last night when I called to make sure that everything had gone alright and that my sister was, in fact, home safe. Turns out everything is fine. In the course of the conversation I actually found that she's not irritated with me about the whole money thing. See, she was sick the day I called her to ask her about it, but she had gone to work anyway because she'd already taken the day before that off to take my sister and OTB to the airport. So, while she sounded really irritated about it, and even more so the second time, it was because it was bad news at a bad time, not because she was pissed at me or thought it was my fault. In fact, now she's being even more agreeable about it. I proposed that we try and save up the amount over the summer to put it back in her IRA. It's entirely possible, seeing as how we would have had to come up with the money either way. This ordeal just makes it a little more pressing. So I figure if we just go on like we're going to have to pay it off later, we'll save up the money to be replaced in her account. Now, granted, this is my mother and I, so it may well not happen that way, but that doesn't mean it's entirely futile to try, so who knows. Hell, if all else fails I can sell my eggs or plasma. Yay for biological prostitution. (In case you don't know me or this isn't obvious enough, that was a joke. I hate going to the dr for a checkup, really think I'd voluntarily go under the knife or have my blood drawn and then replaced again? not likely.)
Took the second half of my Java exam yesterday, but I don't know yet what I got on it. I think I did pretty well, everything compiled and ran correctly, so here's hoping I get a decent grade. I was getting an A in the class as of mid-terms, so I should be doing alright.
Other than that, surprise surprise, things are really boring right now.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:39 PM
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