so hey, 1,000 posts?
Apparently my last post was number 1,000.... s'too bad I spent it mostly bitching, but hey, thats what happens when I spend a week silently detesting my grandmother and having panic attacks.
I'm back home now, and decidedly more cheerful for it. Classes started today and I think this semester is going to be nice and peaceful, which I'm excited about. I've got a bunch of knitting and spinning classes to teach this and next month, and I'm totally looking forward to that. Plus the move is coming closer (as long as we can get the funds together.) I'm excited about it, I can't wait to be someplace new, and it feels like life will really start once I get there, you know? Like house-buying, baby-having, goat-chasing life.
I put my first pattern up for sale on etsy, and you can find it here: scarflette! It's really simple and basic, but I've gotten a bunch of complements on it since I've been wearing it, so I figured I'd give it a try. The patterns a PDF, and I'll email it out to whoever buys it.
It's on a different etsy account, because I'm trying to get a craft business started with my peeps Tully and Michelle, so I've started us up an account to see if we can generate a little business momentum.
Labels: creativity, etsyshop, goals, happy, knitting, photos
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:26 PM
Um, hello!?!?!? When did your hair become all short-like?!?!
Me likey, I want pictures without scarflet on your head!
I chopped it all off before I went to Costa Rica... I started to grow it out recently, until I realized that when it's long I just keep it up in ponytails all the time, so off it came again. I love it, fun to play with, and I like going with the hedgehog look, LoL
Short hair really is so much easier to deal with.
dood, and don't forget the fun to play with part... I strongly suggest molding mud or creme, especially the tea tree stuff from paul mitchell :) It's like I'm styling it all day when I play with it :D
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