So since I posted last, things have changed, or really just one thing has changed that is making me really, really miserable. It's the roommates. They're all nice girls I guess, but I really don't fit in with them, and so I'm starting to feel like a leper in my own apartment. Severiously uncool. This puts even more motivation on me to get a job and an apartment asap so that Wendy can come out here and we can be un-miserable together. Right now they're not here, so thats a bonus, I can get some stuff done without having to deal with them. I think the sources of my ostracism are the following: a) I don't drink beer on a regular basis. b) I do not smoke pot, nor do I care to have it smoked around me. c) I'm not all about bonding; just because we live together doesn't mean I want to be best friends. d) one of the roomies, the one I dislike the most, is from south O.C., and d00d, I could tell this before she told me. If you live in socal, you know what I mean. She's rather fond of giving me dirty looks, so naturally *dons sarcasm hat* maturity reigns supreme.
I've heard it's hard to find a job in Arcata, but I figure I'll prolly look mostly in Eureka. The fact that I'm used to driving a lot will probably work in my favor as there seem to be more jobs and apartments in Eureka than in this little town. My game plan is to secure gainful employment, and then open a checking account (hopefully. was unsuccessful at this over the summer for various reasons.) Once I have accomplished this, I will go to a rental agency here in town, and talk to them about my situation/plans. Hopefully they'll be able to give me some guidance i.e. how to go about the timing of giving notice of vacating the residence halls, and how much money needs to be accumulated/saved, and all that good stuff. My current goal is to get the hell out of dodge asap, hopefully by October.
So tomorrow at dawn I'm going out to seak gainful employment. Thank everything holy up there that I got my printer working so I can print my resume without paying sevent cents a page. And everyone pull for me that I get a decent paying job quick so that I can get out of here.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:29 PM
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