so, uhm, what year is it again?
it seems so crazy, that it's now 2003. almost a year since that pivotal trip to London last January. when I think about all that has happened in the past year it almost makes my head spin. I changed schools, for better or worse, moved across the country, met the one and only best boyfriend ever creature, and loads of other stuff. compared to last year at this time my life is barely recognizable from what it was. some things I wish were different... like sometimes I wish I were still at Chatham where everything felt normal, instead of at Humboldt where I only know a few people and still haven't gotten comfortable yet. but then again, it's 20K a year less expensive, so, yeah... other changes and milestones have been more enjoyable ;)
I'm so tired right now it's insanity even. chasing 6 kids around Disneyland all of yesterday wore me out good, but I had a really good time. it was really nice to be able to hang out and get to know my brothers better. I'm prolly gonna go out and visit again next weekend, hopefully get to hang out with my oldest little brother since he couldn't come out this time. it's nice to have the other half of my family back, I have to admit. all in all, things are going pretty well with that.
and now I'm home and its quiet again, and I have some recovery time from all that running around and fun-having-ness. someones taking a bubble bath tonight. oh yeah.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:25 PM
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