Well, this week has been stressful, but I'm now more or less settled in at school. With the help of two of my more dedicated friends I rolled the heavier boxes up to my third floor lodgings. They're round now, but at least they're up in my room.
Despite what I thought before, having a roommate is not the hellish experience I thought it was going to be, nothing like last time. My roomie, whom for purposes of anonymity I will call Patty O'Green, is very laid back, and we seem to have enough in common to get along well, and not enough in common to eventually detest each other. This could work. I am still on the singles list, however, and would still love it if they would give me a single in my old dorm from last year. It's closer to everything. This one is more remote, and it's an old mansion, so it's corners are full of malevolent heebie-jeebies. Consequently I've been spending a lot of time in the computer lab, for 3 reasons: 1, it's air conditioned, unlike the rest of the house, 2, I haven't gotten my computer shipped just yet, so it's this or nothing, and 3, the room is well lit, sometimes populated, and all together less creepy than my room.
I've come to the conclusion that taking things for granted is an unavoidable side effect of the human condition. I think my crowning achievement of the summer was spending lots of time with my little sister. We did so much together, but I still feel like we could have done more. The same goes for things with my friends and with my mom. I could have seen a lot more of Silver if I hadn't have been so worried about the state of my gas tank. I could have seen more of SwhS if I had been in a better mood. I could have seen more of my mother if I hadn't let my feelings slip out from under me in my all-too-characteristic fashion. Now that I'm back at school, I can see where I let a lot of opportunities pass by. Every day it gets a little easier to be here, though. More than anything, though, I miss my mom and sister. I love my friends to death, but I could live without even them if I had my family here. Fortunately my uncle gave me a calling card so I can call home much more frequently than last year.
I can't wait for the end of the year. I get to spend two weeks at home with the family, and two weeks in LONDON!!! I love London. I went there in high school and, pitiful company aside, I fell in love with the city. The average person in London is so much better educated than the average person in the US, and if you look at our leadership here, it's pretty obvious why. I got my book for the precourse for the trip, and it's all about architecture in England, and in flipping through it I'm reminded why I fell in love with London. The tendrils of british history wind themselves so much deeper into the folds of time. Everywhere you go, there are reminders of the road that humanity has travelled to reach it's current state. The castles, aside from being lovely and full of images that conjur fanciful musings, remind us of a time when people were seperated by class far more than they are now. The huge cathedrals remind us of a time when the church had the power of life and death over large masses of the population. While not everyone notices these things, it's kind of nice to be in a place where the growth and evolution of human thinking is so evident.
That said, I'm starting to get very bored with my website. There is so much I don't know about web development and publishing. Maybe I'll take a class on it next semester? Suggestions would be welcome. Adding more pictures can only excite me for so long.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 8:10 PM