stacy was here (and probably spinning....): 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Things have settled back into The Dull that has been characterizing my life since I graduated. The most exciting or post-worthy events seem to happen at work, and since that is controlled by obvious confidentiality issues, I obviously can't post about it here, so there's not a whole lot to talk about. I'm excited about the move because it will put us back in the thick of things, closer to friends, etc. This last weekend was nice, we vegged and played video games and watched movies (I got The Karate Kid for $5, and holy shit, I really love that movie, even though I haven't seen it in like 10 years.) On Monday we grilled steaks and had mashed potatos, and when I got full, I fed the rest of my steak to the cats, and holy shit if I didn't go up a million degrees in their esteem. I am now The Giver of Meat. Yes. I'm trying to resist the urge to get a bearded dragon. I am such an animal FIEND that I look at animals and fall in love with them and start pestering Fuzzy to let me get one and take it home. This time it's a bearded dragon, which I have technically wanted for a couple years now, but still we already have 3 cats and 3 geckos. Technically, we can afford it (barely), and we will soon have room for it, but that doesn't really mean it's a *good* idea, you know? Cats and geckos can live up to 20 years, and bearded dragons can live up to 10, so this is a serious time commitment, but I can't help wanting one. *sigh* We're waiting to see how big the apartment is, so we'll see what happens then.

Also, I can't wait to start school again. I love my job, and the break has been nice, but somehow I don't feel like I'm making progress unless I'm in school. That, and I'm itching to prove myself as a science major. It's hard getting people to take me seriously when I tell them I was an English major, and I don't blame them really, since it's not exactly a demanding field, but I just want to get in there a cut my teeth. Plus there are so many internship opportunities waiting for me as soon as I get over a few of the hurdles, so I'm anxious to get in there and just start already.

This last year has been so wierd, really. I mean, for the last four years really, I've had all the school breaks to go home and get the vegging and frolicking out of my system and then head back to school. This year I didn't make it home for the holidays, and only got to go home at all because of my grandmothers sickness and passing. I feel like I should be out having adventures and stuff like I normally would be at this time, but I can't because most of my friends have gone home, and I have to work and be a responsible grownup. My feet are itchy, and I don't have the means to go out and have fun. It's good that at least I have a job now that really suits me, because before I was just in agony having to do the same thing every single day. This job (and yes, I'm down to one now, which is just fine by me) is perfect, because every day is a new adventure, and it's not a job that can settle into routine, because you litterally just never know what's going to happen next. Plus the people here are the most awesome ever. I love everyone I worked for teaching SI, and that will forever rank as one of my favorite jobs, but this one I have now is at least equal to it in terms of job satisfaction. The people are as great as Lyn and Leslie, too, which makes it even better. I have a feeling this job is really going to get me on the right track for getting into a great forensic science career.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:48 PM   1 comments

Saturday, May 21, 2005

we have normality

I'm starting to feel better and better about the move. The folks at my work have been assuring me that it's not a bad area, really, and it will definitely be nice to have more space. In the extra bedroom we're planning to get either a twin bed or a futon or some sort of pull out couch or something, so that when people come visit or if they might want to relocate to the area, they have a place to sleep that isn't a couch. Also, we're planning to get a desk for me so that I can use it without having to surgically remove Chris from his computer and *gasp* his video games. That way when I'm back in school I have a place to study and stuff in relative quiet, so that he can watch tv or whatever without having to live in library volume. I also ran into Chris's bosses (who are both very cool), and they seemed really excited that Chris is sticking with them, which is reassuring. He likes his job a lot, and I'm sure with him working at this new complex it'll be in much better shape.

We went and saw Episode III on Thursday evening, and it was awesome... I always tease him about being a star wars geek, but the truth is (and nobody better tell him I'm admitting this) I'm just as into star wars as he is. This was my first time seeing one of them on the big screen, and holy shit even. It was so. effing. cool. Seriously, if this revelation had been made many years ago, I think I would be in danger of acquiring a costume and dancing around with all the other light saber-wielding freaks... *sigh* yes, a huge nerd I am, but don't act like y'all didn't already know that about me, mmmmmkay?

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 12:10 PM   3 comments

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

hello, whirlwind!

So yeah, turns out we're moving. I can't give big details because it's related to Fuzzy's employment (which, thank god, he still has, so it's not a bad thing), but the long story short is we're getting a bigger apartment, but it's in a complex which I will heretofor affectionately call Crazyville Gardens Apartments. More of our utilities will be covered, it's much closer to school and work, as well as friends, etc. The place is bigger, which will be a huge blessing, and hopefully we'll be setting up a nice guest room and all that. Downside is the knickname Crazyville is deserved. There have been numerous vehicle vandalisms and thefts in the last six months, last week there was an assault and battery, and there have just generally been lots of wackiness and nutjobbery going on in the vicinity. So I guess with the good and bad it sort of evens out somehow, and the hugemongous benefit is that now, Fuzzy's supervisor is staying on, and he's fond of her, so that's definitely cool. I'll miss our little abode, the first apartment we had and the one that witnessed our engagement, but this is definitely preferable to the alternative.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:28 PM   0 comments

Sunday, May 15, 2005

seedlings!!!! yippeeeeee!

*click for bigger pictures*

these are my new larkspur seedlings (photos are a little blurry because I used my macro lens and I don't have a tripod yet):

and here is my bachelor's button seedling:

and, because I had my macro lens out anyway, here's a picture of my bleeding hearts, edited using the dooce effect...

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 4:06 PM   0 comments

so I've caved in and created a super secret online journal for my secret job #2. It is password protected, so if you're interested in reading my adventures, drop me a line and I'll set you up with a password and the URL.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:30 PM   1 comments

Thursday, May 12, 2005

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
What is Your World View?
created with

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:26 PM   0 comments

Saturday, May 07, 2005

gardeny goodness

so, my garden is doing very well, and here are some pictures to prove that I apparently did not inherit my mothers black thumb...

when the last blooms on my bleeding heart were gone, I thought it was done blooming for the season, but look! new blooms! woot!

and there are new blooms on my lily plant :)

and some new additions:

some sweet peas, to remind me of my Aunt Fran

and, finally, some hydrangeas, which I've wanted for forever

and some hyacinth, because they were pretty

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 4:58 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 10:39 PM   0 comments

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